Mario Krankl, Goldwell Global Zoom, Sept 2018 in Toronto


Creative dance theater for children and teenagers in schools


“You have to do things that you do not believe you can do,” Eleanor Rooseveltt believed. It is important to empower people to grow beyond and support them, to develop their interest in life, fellow human beings, things, literature and music. Dance / Dance Theater can appeal to us in thoughts and feelings that we often encounter in everyday life not notice anything, and sometimes brings us into contact in a surprising and confusing way. One has the luck to be able to slip into other roles and to get to know each other in a different way and the people from the group with different eyes to take true.

In a world of the Internet, smartphones and other stimuli, fewer and fewer young people read and the creativity, imagination and motor skills suffer greatly. It is therefore all the more important to develop projects that put the creativity, imagination and enjoyment of the movement back into the foreground. The aim of our dance projects is to promote the creativity of children with the joy of discovering their own ability to move, and to encourage them to deal with various topics artistically. Through dance improvisation on specific topics, each individual can develop such a language of movement for themselves.

Creative dance offers the possibility of self-expression through the body. It promotes one’s own body perception and awareness of space, increases the ability to coordinate and musicality and strengthens the ego. Another very important aspect of our work is the social interaction in the group. The children learn in the project how to warm up the body, how to move around in space on different levels, in different tempos and with different qualities of movement. As well as moving in relation to the group.

Through various improvisational tasks on a theme, the group develops its own movement sequences, which are then combined under our direction, to a choreography. A presentation / performance will be the culmination in the end.

“To take a new step, to express a new word, that is what people fear most” said Fjodor Dostojewski.